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What will we cover in the bootcamp
- All about the exams like NCLEX, OSCE, DHA, HAAD and MOH and their eligibility, how to apply, and costs.
- Clear all the confusions around the paper pattern for NCLEX, CBT, DHA HAAD, the test types, marking system and the test questions.
- Exclusive roadmap that will in detail tell you everything you need to achieve on your international nursing journey.
- How can you manage your preparation as a nursing professional and how many hours do you need to dedicate daily to be prepared?
- What the syllabus is like for every exam.
- What the most common questions are from all the past years’ papers for all exams.
- Key topics - ABG Values, Nutrition, EKG or ECG.
- What the differences are for the visa processes and job seeking between the multiple countries.
- All about the English Proficiency Tests which are mandatory to move abroad (IELTS and OET).
And much more!
Want to know how you can do it?
Register NowFree gifts you will get once you register
Roadmap to crack the exam of your choice and qualify as a nurse abroad
Nursing Cramsheet for NCLEX, CBT and DHA and many more exams
Detailed Cheatsheet for Pharmacology (the most difficult topic in almost all exams)
Must-have Nursing Mnemonics
Question Bank of important topics for all exams
Important Flash Notes for all exams
Notes on some of the most commonly tested topics that appear in all exams
Other PPTs and learning materials