Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Shoot for the sky, leverage AI

Until now, you needed specialised knowledge and a degree from a high-profile institution or university to earn well – IIT, IIM, NLU, AIMS. Harvard, Oxford. 

You had to be doctors, engineers, lawyers, bankers, writers, designers – the more specialised you were, the more you earned. And a good degree gave you a huge head start.

Well, AI is making this redundant very quickly. 

For example, financial writers used to make more money than most other writers. But now, with AI, if you are a writer, you can very easily write high-quality financial articles, without having to read 100 books on financial markets first. 

AI has read all the books, all the articles, and can seamlessly give you 15 points to write that article as easily as a financial writer with 5-10 years of specialised experience.

There are things AI cannot do. Those are matters of human judgement, sensibilities, connections, reputation, trust, aesthetics. 

Once you are confident that YOU have these qualities, you can write on financial issues, medical issues, legal issues, hippopotamus issues, whatever. 

All the research, data and knowledge is now at your fingertips. 

The specialist who spent 30 years writing on medical issues now hardly has any knowledge advantage over you, thanks to this almost magical force called AI.

The expert with 30 years of experience may still have a better understanding of what readers would or wouldn’t like, what they want to pay for, what they share with friends, what drives the point home, etc. 

Those are questions of judgement and sensibility. But if they do not learn how to use AI, you may be taking away their job soon. If they learn AI, you can’t touch them.

Thankfully, most of them will ignore learning about AI until it is too late. You must not do so.

Clearly, AI creates a massive advantage for professional writers. But is that all?

Not at all.

If you have those judgments and sensibilities, you can now also design or create illustrations thanks to AI.

You can turn the text you wrote into a screenplay as smoothly as a screenwriter with 10 years of experience. You can then get a video made with AI in 10 minutes.

You can ask AI to turn it into a script for YouTube video – it will do so in a jiffy!

We will show you how to do some of these things today in the bootcamp. 

You can write the social media posts you will need to promote the video using AI, and the outcome will be better than that provided by 90 percent of social media managers.

If you ask better questions, AI will give better answers. If you give better instructions, AI will produce higher quality output.

You can even write an HR Handbook just as someone with 10 years of HR experience would do. Perhaps even better, if your first principles thinking is strong.

You can even create an operational handbook as well as a six sigma black belt in operational excellence would perhaps do, and you will do it faster using AI. The black belt guy will struggle to justify why he should be paid for 10 hours when ChatGPT can do 90 percent of his job in 53 seconds!

I will show you how to automate operations related work using AI tomorrow. Today, we will show you how to perform writing, graphic design and video-editing work using AI much more effectively than professionals, and without having any prior skills in this area!

He would have to do a lot of extra value add, because the non-value add work is now gone thanks to automation.

That is why you can learn to use AI so that you can do all these tasks and become the boss to all of these professionals.

You can be the dream hire for many startups – an all in one business growth manager. A multi-talented, AI-powered, turbo generalist. A genie with solutions to an unlimited number of problems.

Large companies can hire McKinsey, Deloitte or BCG to figure it out for them and give them a roadmap to implement AI. Small businesses do not have such a budget.

And this is where you have an amazing opportunity.

You have to learn how to use AI in day to day work, and then you can help startups to implement and incorporate AI into their workflow.

How is that for career growth? Hard to believe but exciting? Want proof?

We will show you how you can do all of these in our free, 3-day live online bootcamp and provide you a step by step roadmap.

Where can you implement AI inside of a business?

This is what you need to learn.

We cannot promise you that you will learn everything you need to learn about business process automation using AI in one email – but we can get started right now to learn some basics.

AI has immediate application on two sides of a business – 

  1. Revenue generation
  2. Delivery and operations

Lets see what are the major areas where AI can help:

Revenue generation

  1. Lead generation
    1. Website and landing pages
    2. Ads
    3. Organic content
      1. Blogging
      2. Video content
      3. Image based content – memes, infographic etc
  2. Lead nurturing
    1. Email funnel
    2. Whatsapp 
    3. Organic content – video, podcasts, blogposts
  3. Conversion/ Sales
    1. Sales call – requires sales script/tracking/sales training
    2. High Conversion Copywriting
    3. Live & recorded webinars – requires script/content

Delivery and operations

  1. Product & service creation
    1. Market research
    2. Conceptualization/prototyping/building service delivery system
  2. Delivery – logistics, making sure paying customers get what they were promised
  3. Customer support & troubleshooting
  4. Finance, HR, administration, legal
    1. Hire better people
    2. Retain them and enable them
    3. Track performance
    4. Reward
    5. Remove non-performing or non-aligned assets
    6. Safeguarding the interests of the organisation
  5. Technology – automating and streamlining processes
  6. Leadership – build this entire system and keep everyone aligned

Until now, it was very difficult for one person to do more than one of these things.

It took many years to become competent at just one thing.

For example – take anything from the list above that we created. Let’s say sales calling. Or sales training. Or performance tracking.

Or legal. Or HR.

People used to do one thing for years and become good at it.

Now thanks to AI, you can produce the same level of results as an experienced professional without spending years to get that experience.

Which means one person can comfortably wear more hats.

This makes startups easier to build.

If you wonder how come there are so many startups these days, how can so many grow so fast, this is the secret.

Software and now AI, has enabled people to do things that they could not do before. Just one person can do what it took a hundred people to produce earlier.

An ad had to be produced over a month and there would be a huge production and creative team involved. Today the same ad can be produced by one college student in his dorm working on a normal laptop.

Producing video was a very expensive job once upon a time, now many of you use your smartphone to record a higher quality video and edit it at home better than professional editors could do. And you do it in a matter of minutes and then post on a social media platform reaching potentially millions of followers.

How fast the world has changed!

And it is about to change more with generative AI like chatGPT.

People in every profession have to learn how to use AI tools.

Imagine what happened to the lawyers and accountants and other professionals who refused to learn how to use the computer in the 90s.

They slowly lost their credibility, their edge, and their place in the industry.

Those who refuse to learn how to use AI will be in the same category 10 years down the line.

And a new category of professionals will rise.

Do you sometimes feel bad that you did not start creating content on Instagram and youtube when it all started? People who were early adopters of these platforms made massive money, gathered huge following and became uber successful. Doing the same today is much harder.

Do you ever feel bad that you did not buy bitcoin or ethereum when it was launched, now that they are very expensive already?

People who start early get a big advantage.

This is how it is with AI today

Those who get started with using AI in their professional lives will be market leaders tomorrow

Those who do not bother to figure out the advantages of AI, those who do not bother to learn how to use it will be the biggest losers in history

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