Freelance SkillArbitrage (featured)

My mother vs You

In the 1990s, when I was a little kid, my parents struggled to put food on the table. My father’s salary was so little that even paying the electricity bill on time was always a challenge. And sometimes, in the raging inflationary years of the early 1990s, they even struggled to buy enough food to feed our tiny family. 

So my mother began looking for jobs – she had two degrees, but it was still a challenge to find anything. She spent seven years giving interviews, but was rejected every time – not because she was unqualified, but because she did not belong to a certain political party.

I remember my mother carrying my sister in her arms and holding my hand as she went around meeting political leaders to ask for help.

It was traumatic for me as a child to see her so helpless.

I did not know at the time that this trauma was God’s way of planting a seed inside me for something much bigger.

Despite the importance that society places on a secure job, by the time I finished law school, I was gravitating toward freelancing and entrepreneurship rather than a job. 

To be honest, topping my class and studying hard did not give me comfort and security. Getting into a top law school did not give me security. Getting a job in a top law firm did not give me security. 

I found that security when I learned to do freelance work.

When I quit my law firm job, this work was what helped me. I could just write a few articles and be paid for it. I could do some freelance work for a few clients every week, just enough to pay the rent and put food on the table, and dedicate the rest of the time to my startup.

Until the startup began making money and I could draw a salary, freelance work is what kept me going.

There was a deeper layer to this

Without even consciously realising it, I wanted to overcome the trauma of seeing my mother running around trying to get a job.

When I started an edtech company and my students began to get jobs, I realised something, consciously this time – it gives me true satisfaction to see people succeed in their careers. Deep down, I know that I am helping people like my parents – a young couple with young children struggling to make ends meet.

I dream of a day when SkillArbitrage will help tens of thousands of people – help them build careers, and take our country forward. 

International talent arbitrage and remote work have opened new horizons for professionals in India, especially for women like my mother.

They can now work remotely with amazing companies around the world, doing what they love, and escape the unfortunate realities of the towns and cities where they live. 

My mother did not have that option. The only one open to her was a teaching job in a high school – after seven years of trying.

It’s much easier today.

In 3-6 months, you could be working with employers or clients in the US remotely, from anywhere in India, as long as you have a good internet connection.

Nothing excites me more than this. Nothing fires me up to do more. I am fulfilling my destiny and could not be happier, could not be more proud. 

What about you? What is your destiny? What will you do when you succeed? Who will be proud of you?

What difference will you make in the world?

Whose lives will you touch and change forever?

It is time to change the world. Each one of you has the potential. We are here with you. Are you with us?

Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

We are living in one of the most exciting times in human history – one that can transform your life. Our parents could not just jump into the digital version of Silicon Valley or New York by doing remote work.

You need to learn high demand skills.

You need to build a track record.

You need to learn effective outreach and do it religiously.

You need to put in 2 hours per day.

And that will change not only your life, but the fortune of your entire family, current and future

Are you ready to take action?

What are you ready to sacrifice for a future like this?

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