
Learn to do 1 thing god-damn well 

Learn to do at least one thing god-damn well!

Is there one thing you can do really, really, really well?

If not, no worries. Give yourself 7 months to learn just one skill with high demand.

Not 2, not 3, just one would be enough.

Not any random skill though. Learn to solve a problem.

For 6 months, you think about that problem day and night, you do everything you can to learn that skill, you read everything you can get your hands on, do every course you can find on it, join all the online communities where other such professionals are there, do whatever it takes.  

In 6 months, with honest effort, you could be pretty good at solving that problem.

Most people lack the courage, the soul, the intensity, the focus to apply themselves to learning to solve one problem for 6 months.

Doubt seeps in.

Excuses come around.

Temptations distract them.

Discomfort dissuades them.

The uncertainty kills them.

They drop off from the race too soon.

But you will not drop off. You will stick with one problem for 6 whole months. 

Then you will give yourself 1 month to work for free or next to free for some small businesses, so you can apply yourself, and create some results. 

No results, no track record, no future.

You will figure out how to produce god-damn results with that god-damn skill.

Your life will never be the same again. You will already be ahead of 90% of people for the rest of your life.

You will be in top 10% of humanity. Want to be in top 1%? That is another battle. That is for later. That will take longer and that game is played differently.

Take it from me because I was where you are today, and now I am in that 1%.

I am telling you, because I have seen thousands of my learners go through this grind. This grind will change you forever. 

Just 7 months. Do it so you will never be poor again. That is all it takes to break the chains of poverty.

If you will not even do that, you deserve to be where you are.

Your call.

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