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How to help rich and successful people as a content writer

Apart from SMEs and startups, here some other categories of people who need to write high-value content:

  1. Venture capitalists – they need a lot of credibility to do well in the business and good writing and social media presence is absolutely critical
  2. Busy professionals and service business owners, law firm partners, etc. 

They can get more clients and have more respect if they publish high quality content often in respectable platforms

They want to write.

They start writing. Then what happens?

They realise that they are too busy. They don’t have the time. They keep postponing the writing.

They know that this is a problem. 

They want to increase their sphere of influence.

Even for successful professionals to grow beyond a certain point, it is important for them to write regularly, to build their brand, to attract more clients, the right kind of talent, even other opportunities.  

But they are always occupied with client work – they don’t even have free time to spend with their family.  

The top 5% players in their industry have hired professionals or PR agencies, but 95% of them cannot afford the cost of hiring PR or digital marketing agencies or even freelancers because in the US, good freelancers will charge at least USD 200-300 per hour.

But they can work with an Indian freelancer who can do similar work at a fraction of the cost and still earn 5x more than what Indian jobs pay, because of talent arbitrage. 

Since the pandemic, professionals and venture capitalists have become remarkably comfortable with remote work, especially in case of services which can be offered remotely, such as content writing. 

Now, this is where your opportunity is.

These rich people can get richer and get credibility that they value a lot if you will write for them.

And you can make a ton of money from this.

Do you think there can be an international opportunity for you to cater to these businesses?

Content writing is one of the best jobs for talent arbitrage.

There are so many opportunities for content writers, that I am simply overwhelmed.

What are the business problems that you solve for rich and busy professionals through your content writing work? 

  1. You can help them to build a personal brand, which will help them over time in generating incoming client inquiries, employee interest and interest from investors (where applicable) 

You can do this by posting on their social media, writing blog posts, capturing their insights into articles that are published on 3rd party blogs and media 

  1. You can also specifically focus on assisting them to build an employer brand, so that they can receive high-quality applications from prospective employees
  2. You can create downloadable lead magnets which can improve lead generation 
  3. You can deploy email funnels to improve conversions 

There are a few more things you can do as well. 

How do you find such people?  

Here’s a quick trick.

Hack for approaching a rich person/online business for getting content writing work

Here is how to approach a rich person or an online business for getting content writing work:

(remember, if you are bad at your work, this will not lead to good outcome, so before you try this become a good content writer first)

  1. Find people with blue ticks on Twitter (they probably have some success and probably the money to pay you)
  1. Research them – do they have a blog? Do they have a podcast? 
  1. Do they write articles in newspapers/ mainstream media/ online media? 
  1. Is their Twitter/Linkedin/Instagram active? 
  1. Have they published a book?
  1. What does their Google footprint look like? Is there enough content about them and their work on the first page? How would a prospective employer/client/investor perceive them if they googled their name? 
  1. Pitch to them one thing that you think they will be most interested in and you have some track record in.

For example, let’s say you have published a few articles on top magazines like Forbes, Huffington Post etc. Write to these people and offer them that you would love to help them to publish articles in such top publications that would help them to do x (X being what they want in life)

For example:

You can write to any service professional the following message:

Hi XYZ, I have been following you for a long time and deeply respect the amazing work you are doing.

However, I feel your amazing insights are not getting written about in the mainstream media enough. I have published a lot of articles in the New Indian Express, Forbes, Business World etc, and I could help you to write and publish at least one article every week which I believe will do wonders for your personal brand and can also help to generate more goodwill amongst your audience.

I will not charge you anything, I would just love to have the opportunity to work for you once.

Please let me know if we can get on a 10 mins call this Friday. I know you are a busy woman and I will not waste a minute of your time.

Btw, you may know XYZ, and I have already helped her publish in some amazing publications that helped to drive up the traffic to their key landing pages by 300% thanks to some clever link placements.

Even if you don’t decide to talk to me, I am rooting for you.



Why am I not talking about money? Why am I saying it’s free?

Well, I prefer to keep my first engagement with a high quality person free of cost. Experience how good I am. And then you will hire me.

What other option would you have? I will help with one publication for free, but for the next one I will quote a fair price. 

This way you can make a lot more money.

And over time, I will create a package.

Such as – I will get you featured in 20 podcasts over 3 months for USD 1000. 

I will help you launch 60 reels on social media in 1 month for USD 1000.  

This quickly de-links the number of hours you work from the price that you charge.

In this way, you can make a lot more money than by charging for every hour of your service.

Here is a message that you can write to a professional if you want to help them get covered on podcasts

Hi Bob,

Love your recent article/interview etc/ congrats on XYZ milestone! [Always start with flattery – related to something which is truly worthy of praise]

I actually help professionals like you to get in the world’s top podcasts relevant to <industry> which increase their incoming enquiries by 170% on an average within 3 months! 

Being on the right podcast can do wonders for your practice.

I have helped XYZ 3 people to do exactly that. Look at the kind of coverage they got here, here and here.

Can we jump on a quick zoom call to explore how I can help you take your personal brand to the next level within weeks? I need just 15 mins of your time, will send across some slots if you are interested.


Btw, here is a message that you can send a professional who doesn’t have a blog or any lead magnet on their website:

Hi xyz,

I am a fan of the work that you do! I noticed that it is not getting the true attention that it deserves.

Here is how I can help to generate 20x more visibility:

Can I help you with any of these:

  • I can write blogs and publish them on your website every week [it seems that you’re currently able to post only a couple of times every quarter or less]  
  • I can assist you with management of your social media profile and put up exciting posts a couple of times every week
  • I can help you to document case studies and use cases to the extent it is legally permitted so that your prospective clients know about your expertise and capabilities
  • I can assist you in creating a brochure and writing a weekly newsletter to your mailing list to generate more awareness and engagement 
  • I can also help you to get featured on leading podcasts – this can help you to build your brand, get the word out about your product, and even generate some interest from investors, potential employees and clients 

All I want in exchange is your positive review on my LinkedIn/ Upwork profile.

Can we set up a Zoom call next week?

Just hit Yes and I’ll send you a couple of time slots.


Your Name 

How do you obtain the insights and churn those into articles?

  1. Simple, schedule a Zoom call with them. 
  2. Assist them to narrow down on their goal – is it to attract clients, prospective employees or investors? Or generally to spread awareness about their work?
  3. Get some idea about the unique insights that they have, or their work and its market.  
  4. Prepare a list of questions you’d like to ask them – use ChatGPT 
  5. Get on the Zoom call and record it. 
  6. Feed it into Descript, an AI tool, so that you can add captions, and get the transcribed answers out. You can also edit the video like a word doc. 
  7. Post it on their social media (LinkedIn, FB, Insta reels, YT shorts) in appropriate formats as you have text + video. 
  8. You can also send edited transcripts after their approval to 3rd party interview sights.
  9. From what you learned, you can further work on preparing a first draft of a blog post.  
  10. Schedule the next week’s call and repeat the process on a different topic. 

This is how the method works. 

The key here is to learn how to solve business problems through your content, pitch to potential clients and build a track record of delivering results over time. 

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