
How the top 1% content writers use AI

I was speaking to a content writer recently, who said this: 

I think content writers will be redundant in the future because of AI. 

Today, I was able to write a full-blown email funnel in just 30 minutes using GPT. 

Last week, I also generated ideas, and structure for a blog post, and even a near-final first draft, in just 15 mins that got massive traction.

How will content writers make money in the future if the clients can use AI tools to do their own work?

I asked him one question: 

Can your wife also do what you did? 

Can she create email funnels and write blog posts that generate similar traction using ChatGPT?


I have never written an email funnel before. Can you teach me in the next 30 mins how to create one using ChatGPT?


You have successfully written over 500 blog posts and marketing emails before, you have been doing this for 20 years, so you are an expert. 

Thanks to AI tools now you can now do something in 15 mins that would have taken you 5-6 hours earlier. Is that correct?


Basically, AI tools don’t replace experts, it just makes experts a lot more productive than they have ever been.

This is what a lot of people fail to understand about AI tools.

AI has read all the books, all the articles, and can seamlessly give you 15 points to write that article as easily as an expert who has many years of experience, but there are things AI cannot do. 

Those are matters of human judgement, sensibilities, connections, reputation, trust, aesthetics. 

The expert with 30 years of experience may still have a better understanding of what readers would or wouldn’t like, what they want to pay for, what they share with friends, what drives the point home, etc. 

Those are questions of judgement and sensibility. 

But if they do not learn how to use AI, you may be taking away their job soon. If they learn AI, you can’t touch them.

Your job will not be taken by AI, but it WILL be taken away by another hyperproductive human being who can now produce 10x more than you do, thanks to AI tools.

This person cannot become 10x hyperproductive by using AI unless he has a good grasp of the craft to start with.

Also, one has to spare the energy & take out the time to master AI tools.

You can be that person. 

And you have to guard yourself from that happening AGAINST YOU.

Side with AI superpowers, not against them.  

What is even more scary is that these hyperproductive people will not merely do more work, but also create content, build a personal brand on the side and therefore create a distribution for themselves.

These are very powerful forces.

What is special about this is that it is not happening for the first time. In my lifetime it has already happened at least two times!

First was the introduction of personal computers. It made people, organisations, schools, universities, libraries, even things like electricity grids or mines, everything a lot more productive.

I don’t think we would have so many startups in the 90s and 00s if not for the PC.

Imagine how it would be if you wrote marketing emails in the same way today as the typists and the writers before personal computers were introduced.

Imagine creating funnels and blog posts like that. 

What chance of success would you have in today’s world?

The 2nd game changer of productivity was the introduction of smartphones. 

All these app companies were born! 

Today our society is a lot more productive because of smartphones. 

We get a lot more done thanks to these tiny supercomputers in our pockets that are connected to almost the entire knowledgebase of human kind.

Now comes the next big boost in productivity – AI tools.

AI tools will make it easier, faster & cheaper to do things, which means we can do a lot more now.

This is actually great news for most people, except those who do not want the world to change.

The world is always changing. Once in a decade, it takes a sharp turn.

We are taking a sharp turn now.

Experts who learn AI tools will have so much more competitive advantages, so much more raw power – they are going to wipe out the people who refuse to adapt.

Can you imagine a business today which does not use a computer, is not on the internet, cannot run digital ads – such companies would go out of business!

That is exactly the future of a professional who is not putting efforts towards mastering AI tools.

If you learn how to do all these things, it will be very easy for you to earn 3x more from your existing clients as well.

You will also find it very easy to get full-time jobs in India (if you want). 

While AI innovations and software have made great progress and waves since last year, most people have no clue how to use it more than a toy – they have not improved their productivity, or their personal brand, or their outreach or build systems so that their agency can scale faster. 

They are at risk.

You cannot afford to be amongst them, else you will jeopardise your future.    

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