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Fastest new business launch I ever did – thanks to AI

Let me show you how much easier it has become to launch a business – whether a product or a service, thanks to AI. Anyone, anyone can launch a business now and every step is a lot easier.

I was thinking that I want to launch a new service, through which we can generate more work for our learners. 

We give a lot of work to our learners, which they usually undertake under the guidance of our in-house experts, because by doing real life work they can really learn a lot that they cannot learn from mere simulation exercises. 

Plus people love the RoI from the course if they can start earning even before finishing their course.

I got the idea of starting a quick and affordable ESOP service. It’s something that is not hardcore legal or accounting services, but many of my learners, whether from law, CA, CS or even HR background, can work on ESOP set up assignments.

We decided to launch a new brand for ESOPs – and named it AccioESOPs.

At first, I asked my colleagues to make a brochure. 

What I got was not something I was convinced about. It was dry, a lot of information. I did not feel that it speaks to the heart and minds of potential clients.

So what do I do?

I decided to do a client persona analysis. That too with the help of AI. 

I want to know:

  1. Who are my ideal clients
  2. What are their common problems
  3. What are they thinking about with respect to the problem I am trying to solve

Let me show you how AI helped me.

I went to https://founderpal.ai/user-persona-generator 

I fill in the blanks

This is what I got based on these two simple inputs:

There is a paid version where I could get more information about this persona, but I was already having enough.

Using this character, I wrote a simple journey story of Pinky, a smart and ambitious startup founder.

I described her pains, problems and experiences in story format.

Once the potential client sees their problem properly described they understand they are in the right place. We know what their issue is. This is half the battle won.

Next we need to describe the solution.

We finish the story highlighting how Pinky benefitted.

My brochure was almost ready.

I just had to write the offer – the service and the price.

Then that was followed by testimonials from past clients.

I then converted the brochure into a website.

You can see our entire website here: https://accioesops.com/ 

How can you use this to build your business?

  1. Identify the service/product you want to sell and who will be a potential customer (I wanted to sell ESOPs services and knew potentially startup founders may buy)
  2. Get a persona created
  3. Now based on the goals, challenges, pains and aspirations of the persona, write down a journey that describes the person facing a challenge that you are ready to solve
  4. Now describe in the same story format how you solve the problem
  5. Make sure there is a happy ending
  6. Provide essential information, such as testimonials, price, your team, other factors like ratings etc

You got your brochure text.

Give it to a designer. Or use Canva or some AI toll to get it made. Canva has brilliant templates.

You can also use something like Wix or WordPress or Notion to build the website.

Basically, you can go from an idea to launching the website within a day or two if you put your mind to it.

Want to learn more about how to launch your own business, service company or consulting on the side?

Maybe just start a side hustle?

We will show you how to do that in our live online bootcamp. There will be no recording, you have to attend live or you will miss the magic.

See you in the bootcamp.

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