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Fast-forward 2 years : could this be your future

I want to fire up your desire today. 

If you want to achieve big things in life, there are 4 things you must do: 

  1. You must desire them
  2. You must believe that you can achieve them
  3. You must get a plan
  4. You must take the necessary action (execute)

If you have a coach, achieving all of the four above becomes much easier.

Let’s start with the first one. 

Let us imagine your future 2 years down the road.

Imagine that you have been transported to the future.

And create these images in your head.

Add as many vivid details as you want.

The more clearly you can see your future in your mind’s eye, the more likely it is that you will take action.

You are diving under water here in Bali on May, 2026

Maldives Scuba Diving (with photos): 12 Thrilling Sites To Explore In 2022!

It was your dream to travel here, and finally you are here.

You have the flexibility to work from anywhere. You flew down to Bali one weekend.

You will take a couple of work-related calls, if any, from the hotel. 

You are discovering the benefits and fulfilment of living like a digital nomad.    

What do you do? 

You run your own content writing agency in India, which focuses on lead generation, lead nurturing, customer retention, employer and personal branding needs of startups in emerging industries in advanced economies like US, UK, Canada, Singapore and UAE. 

You have a junior and a couple of very talented interns, who work remotely from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. You pay them well. 

You earn 3-5x much more than an average doctor in India, but you enjoy much more freedom, autonomy and a relaxed lifestyle. 

How did you get here? 

2 years back you were struggling to find opportunities/earn more as a content writer, and didn’t know what you could do to get out of the rut. 

That is when you realised that you need to write content that solves REAL BUSINESS PROBLEMS and do it for international clients who can pay more.

The international market is much larger and has lower competition.  

You didn’t believe this fully yet, but you decided to try it out. 

You reached out to startup founders and assisted them with employer branding, getting them covered on podcasts, and documenting case studies of their successful customers.

You helped them make a few videos and articles about what is exciting about the startup, set up their team pages and did a few other things that rapidly increased quality job applications. 

You did some pro bono assignments. The startup founders realised how useful you are and started to trust you more!

By your second month, you had built some track record, and you started getting paid assignments. 

You were now helping them implement email funnels and improve their landing pages. 

You earned about USD 500 that month, just by working for about 2-3 hours a day! 

This was terrific. You doubled down on this strategy. 

Since then, you have helped to resolve many more advanced problems like creating ad scripts, webinar scripts, whitepapers. 

By the 4th month, you were already earning USD 1000 per month. 

That is when you decided to pursue remote work on a full-time basis and you quit looking for better opportunities in the domestic market to focus on remote work. 

By the end of the 6th month, you were earning USD 1500+. 

Another 3 months passed. Your earnings were stable and consistent. This is great! 

But you realised that there is a huge opportunity ahead!

So after 8 months, you decided to set up an agency. The agency is also remote first! 

You also wanted to free up your time so that you could fulfil your personal dream of travelling and being a digital nomad. 

So you did 2 things. You increased your charges to USD 20 per hour, which your clients were happy to pay because they already trust you, as you are shouldering heavyweight responsibilities for them. 

In fact, your contribution had enabled them to even exceed their growth projections! 

You also hired a junior and a couple of interns, who were in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and wanted to work remotely. 

It took a couple of months to set this system up to function smoothly, but this not only increased your earnings but also freed up your time!

That is how you have been able to travel to the hills, and now Maldives.

Most people are scared of growth thinking that they will have to overwork and get burnt out, but you are having the time of your life.

Your travel itinerary for the next 6 months is already planned! 

You met your colleagues and your ex-boss over dinner recently – they are shocked, impressed, awestruck! 

You are on your way to end the financial year, with new found enthusiasm and gratefulness.  

You plan to scale this further next year, hire a few more people. You have also built your brand very well by now, after helping so many early stage startups to do so!

There is a pipeline of people willing to work for you remotely because of the amazing exposure that they will get.

Sky is the limit for you now! 

One of your clients has also offered to sponsor your employment visa for a full-time job in Canada/Dubai, should you be interested. 

You will think about this in the coming few months. 

For now, you want to enjoy what you are currently doing. 

You know that this is going to make the fortunes of millions of Indians (and international startups which grow as well).

What is next for you?

Will you migrate to Canada, the UK or some other country?

Will you expand your agency?

Doesn’t it feel exciting to just imagine this?

Do you want this kind of future for yourself?

If you desire this future, the next step is to get the plan, so that you can take actions to realise this.

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