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Introducing the future AI powered generalist (work from home)

I want to fire up your desire today. 

If you want to achieve big things in life, there are 4 things you must do: 

  1. You must desire them
  2. You must believe that you can achieve them
  3. You must get a plan
  4. You must take the necessary action (execute)

Let’s start with the first one. 

Let us imagine your future 2 years down the road.

Imagine that you have been transported to the future.

And create these images in your head.

Add as many vivid details as you want.

What could happen 2 years down the line if you start assisting US startups, SMEs and CPAs as an AI powered turbo generalist? 

More clearly you can see your future in your mind’s eye, more likely it will be that you are going to take the action needed to get there.

It’s a Sunday morning, you just wake up and go to your balcony. The day is 8th May 2026. 

You are receiving an award from a national-level industry association as one of the most influential women leaders in the country. 

Today, you run your own firm in India, which focuses on providing remote AI-driven startup generalist services to high-potential startup founders all over the world in emerging  industries like fintech, SAAS, AI, Blockchain, Web 3, OTT, etc. in  US, UK, Canada, Singapore and UAE. 

You earn around 3x more than a person with comparable experience  in India, but you work part-time, do not have to travel to an office, can spend time with your family and have your own clients. 

As you walk up the stage and think about what you will say to the audience, you reminisce about your journey till here. 

Like many other women, you had to quit your job after marriage as you had to change cities – and there were no equivalent domestic jobs available, or for other personal reasons. 

Soon, you became a mother and had to focus on your family. 

After a couple of years, you had about 4 hours per day free but you were struggling to find any part-time opportunities, and there were no work-from-home opportunities. If you got something, they paid disproportionately low money, it was insulting to consider those even.

That is when you stumbled upon the idea of skill arbitrage, and realised how you can assist  promising international startups in their growth. You decided to try it out. 

You learned a few new skills, and especially started reaching out to international startups. 

Your first month was focussed on reaching out to assist early stage startup founders and you assisted them with getting invited to podcasts and managed their social media pages and updated their blog. 

You did some pro bono assignments. The startup founders realised how much you contributed and started giving you more work!

By your second month, you had built some track record, and you started getting paid assignments. 

You were working for a couple of hours everyday, but you earned about USD 500 that month. 

This was terrific. You doubled down on this strategy. 

Since then, you have helped to resolve many more problems – lead generation, setting up and monitoring the sales process through AI-driven software, implementing marketing funnels, building rapid and error-free documentation for onboarding through AI, etc.   

By the 4th month, you were already earning USD 1000 per month, working for about 4 hours per day. 

Work kept growing, and you could now charge more as your clients trusted you. 

Soon there was more work than you could handle!  

You could not work for more than 4-5 hours per day for another couple of years, so you decided to increase your charges to USD 20 per hour, which your clients were happy to pay because they already trust you, as you are shouldering heavyweight responsibilities for them. 

You also hired a junior and a couple of interns, who were in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities and wanted to work remotely. 

It took a couple of months to set this system up to function smoothly, but this not only increased your earnings but also freed up your time!

After 6-months, you started working on building your personal brand as well – some foreign early stage startup founders took you on board as an advisor seeing how your clients and expanded after they engaged you professionally, you spoke on podcasts about the power of AI-driven remote jobs, and the media covered your work as well. 

While initially your family was not concerned about your remote work and considered it to be a trivial passion-project, they proudly speak of your work in any family event or social occasion. 

You will soon have more time available to you as family commitments have reduced, and you are wondering what else you can do now that you are already financially independent by working for just 4 hours per day! 

You have a pipeline of clients and a strong personal brand – and you can do remote work no matter

Like a phoenix, your career has risen back from the ashes. You are an icon and you tell the audience that you no longer have to choose as a woman between raising a family or succeeding in your career – you can have both! 

Do you want this kind of future for yourself?

You could get there. 

Here are a few women whom we have helped professionally to achieve these results: 

Nidhi Majethia, a student from Lonawala, is working as a Virtual Assistant with a US-based client and earning USD 8 per hour. 

Atchatha Murali, (January 2024 batch), a 2017 graduate from Easwari Engineering College, currently residing in Bangalore, and a mother of two, was on a career break, with the help of our team started working as a Marketing Virtual Assistant for a client based in the United States, earning USD 6 per hour. She works flexibly around 3 to 4 hours a day, when her kids are asleep. 

Here is a professional who built her own consultancy on the back of remote work

Profile photo of Anjali Suneja

Anjali Suneja had 13 years of experience who was unable to find clients initially when she  started building her remote consultancy and wanted a job. Once she learned a few skills, and started building her track record, her practice leapfrogged and she was able to earn  3 lakhs per month after 6 months. 

She has since worked with several clients and associated herself with industry associations such as WICCI – she also got a 28 LPA job offer which she rejected!

You don’t need to have years of experience to get remote jobs – here is a student working in an international remote job from India

Srajika Gupta a 2021 graduate who lives in Kanpur, runs her own content-writing business and takes assignments from foreign digital marketing agencies in the US, one of the clients, a Missouri-based digital marketing agency for professional services firms, gave her a remote job. She uses several AI tools like Otter.ai, has been earning 1-1.2 lakhs per month working for 20-25 hours from home in Kanpur and is building a pipeline of new clients to increase her earnings 3x in the next 5-6 months and hire a team! She is doing content writing for a client who owns 3 firms.

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