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Why are US clients giving Indians financial, accounting or book-keeping work remotely

Won’t they hire locally? 

Of course they can hire locally. 

But you have an advantage.

Hiring accountants and bookkeepers in the US is damn expensive. 

Here’s how much accountants and bookkeepers earn in the New York:

Now, compare how much an average accountant earns in India: 

Even salary of a CA is much lesser:

80k USD is almost 65 lakhs in Indian money.

An accountant, without a CPA qualification, costs about 65 lakhs in New York, which is almost 33x more than what Indian accountants get paid. It is also 10x more than what a qualified CA gets paid in India.

This is why it is so attractive for US SMEs, startups and even CPAs to hire Indian accounting and bookkeeping professionals remotely.

I want you to imagine a scenario.

There is a startup in a Silicon Valley garage.

It is going to be the next big thing.

It gets into a premium accelerator. It’s getting interest from investors. Raises a seed round.

Investors are expecting them to run a tight ship, and hire a professional for book-keeping, accounts, and financial planning.

A US CPA, or even a bookkeeper in the US will bill them at least USD 30,000 per year. 

They also have an option of hiring an Indian bookkeeper or accountant who knows US GAAP and can work on accounting software like Quickbooks/Xero/Wave to help them with a part of the work and drastically reduce that $30k bill to around 6k USD.

Also they are already used to hiring Indian techies remotely.

Will they say no to hiring such a professional who is conversant with US law but costs 1/5th?

What would you do if you were a startup CEO in the same situation?

Will you be interested?

I guess you are beginning to understand what is going on and what is the opportunity that we want to share with you.

A unique opportunity is brewing. It’s incredible and unprecedented.

This opportunity was not there before the pandemic. 

People were not that comfortable with remote work. They thought remote work was inferior. 

Before the pandemic, you had to physically move to the US, and the US will not give you a visa easily. 

That changed during the pandemic, as Silicon valley, entrepreneurs, VCs, and companies went remote. They had to survive, sell products, continue operations. So they learned to work remotely.

Even when there was full scale reversal of COVID, remote work did not go away. 16% of global businesses continue to operate remotely! 

Gallup, a global research company found that 75% of remote capable jobs will remain remote in the long term! That is just huge!

In 2022, 39% Americans performed freelance work, and 16% of U.S. employees are fully remote.

Here is a list of remote first companies: 

What’s more, 36.2 million American employees are expected to be working remotely by 2025.


US is set to become a majority freelance economy by 2027:

This is your opportunity. If they will work remotely with US workers, why not you from India provided you can do the work, too?

As a bookkeeper/accountant in India, or someone with a commerce, finance background without any specialised professional degree (no CA, US CPA or MBA needed) or even a college student, you can jump into the remote version of Silicon Valley that exists on the internet today. You could be part of the virtual Wall Street ecosystem. 

You can become a part of the next big tech company. Sitting at home, without having to wait for a visa.

This is the entire concept of skill arbitrage.

This is what we have been pioneering in India for the last 3 years. First through LawSikho and then through Skill Arbitrage!

We are blown away by the nature of the opportunity of skill arbitrage that exists now. 

The concept of arbitrage is very common in stock exchanges!

The same share can be at different price points in different stock exchanges! Then if you can quickly buy from one exchange and sell in the other, you make money from the difference in price – this is called arbitrage.

This is what traders also do – if you buy potatoes in a village cheaply and sell them in a city where it is expensive, you make money. This is price arbitrage.

Now we have introduced the same concept in the world of skills.

Let’s say you know how to do tax filing and you live in a small city. Let’s say Nagpur. Locally, you may find it hard to find a job that pays you even 25k per month.

But if you can go to Pune, suddenly you may get paid double of that easily, because there are bigger companies, and the cost of hiring good people there is more.

If you move from Pune to Bangalore or Mumbai, you can get paid even more! The salary in those cities is much higher.

Now what if you could go to cities like New York, San Francisco or London and do the same thing there, given that salary there might be 10x or 20x more?

Would be awesome right?

This is why people want to move to the US, they can get paid a lot more for the same work they do here.

But now you can get there virtually and participate in the US job market remotely.

Incredible, isn’t it?

And if you think, This is not possible and I am here just to sell you something.

Then go ahead and close this email and 

Miss This Opportunity As Well…

“Just like you missed the opportunity – To start a YouTube channel in 2017”

“Just like you missed the opportunity – to Invest in Bitcoin in 2018″

“Just like you missed the opportunity – to Start Freelancing after 2020 “

”And You are going to miss This HUGE ‘TREND’ as well…

This is my biggest secret – I have been catching trends early.

I did not have to catch all the trends. I had to catch just one at the right time. But I got several because spotting and taking action on powerful trends is my second nature.

I started building a professional upskilling company at the right time, in 2018, just before the edtech boom in 2020.

I started focusing on teaching my learners export of services just as SMEs and startups around the world were learning to work remotely for the first time in 2020!

I started building my social media early when it was much easier to build a large Linkedin or Twitter following.

I started building a YouTube channel in 2019 when it was easy to grow a channel fast and got the silver button from YouTube 

I did an IPO on the NSE Emerge board when most edtech companies were still chasing VC funding which was rapidly drying up. Now doing an IPO is becoming a trend but it gets harder by the day.

This is what happens when you take action early. You benefit from early mover advantage before the opportunity gets crowded out.

Most people do not take action. They wait for later. One day someday which never comes. They miss the moment in history.

Make up your mind, in which group do you want to belong?

How much can you earn if you tap into this opportunity?

Let us assume that you charge USD 10 per hour of work. This is a very conservative estimate.

USD 10/hour is very cheap – in the US, you cannot find someone to flip hamburgers at that rate in a local McDonalds, because minimum wages in most US states is more than USD 10, forget hiring a trained professional for US book-keeping or accounting. 

(An average Indian freelancer charges about USD 25 per hour for any freelance work. However, depending on the work and your skill level, this remuneration can cross even USD 50 per hour).

Here are some more realistic rates: 

If you work for 200 hours at USD 10, you will earn USD 2000 per month, or INR 1.65 lakhs!

This is already much more than what an average finance professional, and several CAs, including people in the Big Four earn in the initial stages of their career!  

Even if you work just three hours a day for the lowest per hour rate of USD 20, and you just work for 20 days, your monthly income could be around INR 100,000! 

This is just the start, you can charge more with experience. 

A reasonable goal is to earn at least 2000 USD per month. 

If you are already earning 1-1.5 lakhs per month but find your income to have plateaued, we will also give you a plan to scale this to USD 8000 per month and hire juniors for your business development and client delivery work, which translates into a 1 cr/ year agency. 

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